The association of the free school Waldorf manages the local school inspired by the principles of Anthroposophy (more info at The school is a community of teachers and pupils' families and they all do the necessary work to maintain the school building and garden.
Volunteers will support the teachers and the parents of the pupils in the manual work needed before the start of the school year. Main work will be maintenance of the garden and classroom, including painting, arranging the play area for kids, repair desks, etc.
Accommodation and food
Accommodation in the school. Volunteers will sleep in inflated mattresses in the classroom and they will use solar showers. Lunch together with teachers and dinners self prepared by volunteers with provided food. A kitchen is available for volunteers.
Location and leisure
Location: Palermo
The school is not far from the city centre. Volunteers can join the social and cultural life of the city.
Willing to do manual work (like repairing, painting, fixing, gardening, etc). Sense of initiative and active contribution is recommended.