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PARTNER : The camp is promoted and organized by the local municipality of Serramanna in cooperation
with the associations present in the community. The cultural department of the municipality is supporting
different activities promoted directly or by the local organizations.
PROJECT : The aim of the workcamp is to create opportunities for cultural sharing and exchange between
volunteers and the local community and to promote active citizenship through work with youth
organizations and contribute to create an international environment. One of the main objectives is to bring
in the community the concept of European citizenship and the concept of active citizenship.
During the summer different events are organized by the municipality. International volunteers will support the organization of differents events for the community. In the first week the work will focus on helping a youth organization to organize their annual music festival. This year will be the 10th anniversary of the festival so different activities will be carried out. The second week will be focused on some cleaning and painting of two places property of the local municipality. Some specific areas where different events will be
organized during the summer, September included. By joining this workcamp you will contribute to the
Sustainable Development Goals: SustainableCommunities-SDG11
WORK: The work in the camp will be divided in two different “types” . In the very beginning of the camp for
one week the volunteers will be involved in the organization of a music festival which will be organized in
the community park. The festival will last 3 days where music animation and conferences will be in the programme, the music festival which will be held from 27th – 29th June. So, in order to prepare as best as possible this festival volunteers will take part in different activities : assembling, disassembling and assisting during the activities. Of course during the festival they will have time to enjoy the music and
different activities proposed by the festival. The second week the work will focus on cleaning and painting
fixtures (doors and windows), of one or two properties of the local municipality. Those places are used for
cultural activities which will run in July until September 2025. The work will be very flexible and working
hours sometime will be linked to the temperature outside.
ACCOMMODATION AND FOOD : Volunteers will be accommodated in the school gym where they can use
the toilets and showers and a space will be used to cook, so volunteers can have their meals together.The
volunteers could prepare the meal outside the sleeping place. A large tent will be arranged with an
equipped kitchen with suitable place to consume meals. Please bring with you national food for the
international evening, music instruments and good mood.
LOCATION AND LEISURE : Serramanna is a town of around 10.000 inhabitants. The town income is
generated by agriculture and services. Serramanna is the town where the Sardex was founded, a complementary currency which is very popular in Sardinia and internationally. We are located 25 km from
the main town and 40 minutes from different beaches, where you can enjoy the beautiful sea of Sardinia.
The town is culturally very active, and the population very friendly and open minded. During their free time,
volunteers can visit the main town and go to the beach with locals.
TERMINAL : Cagliari/Elmas
international Airport; Train station – Serramanna (the airport is linked with the train which stops in
Serramanna) – Serramanna is 25 minutes distance by train from the main city: Cagliari
Project name: Serramanna in Action
Project Code: LUNAR12
From: 18-06-2025 to 03-07-2025
Age Between: 18 - 35
Country: Italy
Type of Project: Workcamp
Type of Work: Festival/Culture/Manual
Fees: 0 Euros
Project name: Agape 5
Project Code: LUNAR30
From: 22-08-2025 to 07-09-2025
Age Between: 18-> 99
Country: Italy
Type of Project: Workcamp
Type of Work: Manual work
Fees: 0
Project name: Agape 3
Project Code: LUNAR13
From: 04-07-2025 to 18-07-2025
Age Between: 21-> 99
Country: Italy
Type of Project: Workcamp
Type of Work: Manual work
Fees: 0
Project name: Agape 2
Project Code: LUNAR10
From: 19-06-2025 to 04-07-2025
Age Between: 21-> 99
Country: Italy
Type of Project: Workcamp
Type of Work: Manual work
Fees: 0
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