Description: Bäckedal Folk High School is an institute of popular education for adults. Leather- metal- and textile processes, from ancient to modern times, constitute the core of most of our courses, alongside with sustainable living, democratic values and man’s historical relationship with nature. The school is in Härjedalen, a mountainous and scarcely populated region in northern Sweden. Bäckedal offers general programs for basic eligibility for higher education and specialized programs of traditional skills and crafts. Bäckedal is funded by the Swedish state and is independent regarding religion, party politics and external financial interests. To see more of Bäckedal and the school's surrondings, please visit or @backedalsfolkhogskola on Instagram.
Type of Work: This is a work- and study camp. The work will be building, repairing, maintenance, cleaning and painting. There will also be some gardening such as tree cutting, hedge cutting and plantation. Working and study time will be flexible depending on weather.
Part of the work will be realized at Bäckedal’s recently acquired forest lodge/slightly derelict chalet Jo-jonsvallen, which is situated outside of Älvros, about half an hour’s drive from the school area.
Study Theme: The theme of studies is how we create sustainable knowledge and compass for the future. We will discuss self-sufficiency, historical crafts and a sustainable society; socially, economically and environmentally. Interest is these topics is expected!
Accommodation: All volunteers will be accommodated at the school’s premises, in individual or shared double rooms. Sheets and bed linen are provided by the school.