The Emmaus Community of Villafranca is part of the global Emmaus Movement, which aims to combat poverty and social exclusion through the principles of work, sharing, and mutual aid.The Emmaus Community of Villafranca di Verona was founded in 1985, following a work camp organised in Villafranca in which young Italians and Europeans took part. Due to the success of the camp, the Municipality made available a former school. From the beginning, a group of friends was formed around the community, with whom Emmaus organised (and still organises) moments of deepening on the themes of solidarity, peace, non-violence... The role of this group of friends has been fundamental in the life of the Community and in making Emmaus known and appreciated in Villafranca. And if today so many people understand and support our community, it is thanks to the work and presence of these friends. The main objective of Emmaus is the reception of people in need, carrying out activities such as the collection, reuse and recycling of used materials with display at the Solidarity Flea Market. Zero Mileage Garden: organic vegetable growing. Care and maintenance of the community's green spaces. Spending the day (activities and free time) with the people hosted on the site.
The volunteers will take part in the classic activities of collecting, sorting, selling, recycling and repairing materials that have always characterised the Emmaus communities. They will share the days with the local volunteers and the people welcomed in the Emmaus community, both in activities and in moments of leisure. Volunteers will take an active part in the organisation of the solidarity flea market, in the selection of materials and their placement at the market, they will be able to take part in the organisation of our organic zero-mileage vegetable garden and they will be able to try their hand at cooking. For those who are interested in salvaging and restyling, there will be opportunities to help with the improvement of the spaces (gardening, painting, space recovery, etc.).
Accommodation and food
Volunteers will sleep in the community hall where mattresses and/or camp beds will be provided. There is a shaded garden where volunteers can spend time. There are toilets, showers, hot and drinking water and electricity. Food is prepared by the community workers, but volunteers can help with meal preparation and washing up.
Location and leisure
Location: Villafranca (VR), Venetia, Italy. Volunteers can visit Verona city or other places nearby on their own costs. Verona can be reached by bus in about 40 min.
Volunteers should have an interest in charity work and previous volunteering experience is very welcome.