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Description: SCI Poland has been working closely with Monar for over 20 years. Monar is Poland’s largest NGO focused on helping people overcome drug addiction. It runs 30 rehabilitation centers across the country, including five that specialize in youth counseling. One of these centers is in Wyszków, a peaceful town about 50 km from Warsaw, surrounded by fields, forests, and a river. Around 30 people, aged 18-30, live here while undergoing a year-long therapy program. They come from different backgrounds and regions, sharing a space where they heal and rebuild their lives together. Beyond therapy, life at the center is enriched with art, sports, and outdoor activities. Residents also get the chance to volunteer at local social centers for children, organizing workshops and other creative programs.
Type of Work: Your main role as a volunteer is to connect with the residents, support their daily routine, and bring fresh energy to the community. You’ll help out with everyday tasks like gardening, cleaning, and working in the kitchen, while also getting involved in leisure activities with the residents. There will be plenty of opportunities to join in on games, campfires, sports, and creative workshops, all of which play an important role in the healing process. If you're interested, you can also accompany the residents to visit children at a sociotherapy center and take part in organizing fun activities for them. In 2023, Monar opened a new center for teenagers next to its main facility. As a volunteer, your role will include working with younger residents through workshops and social activities.
Study Theme: This workcamp explores the challenges of drug addiction and substance abuse, as well as life during rehabilitation. Volunteers will have the opportunity to gain insights into overcoming addiction while discovering healthier, community-centered lifestyles that foster social connection and personal growth.
Accommodation: You’ll stay in the community house on the premises, sharing one or two rooms with other volunteers. If there’s a camping trip, you’ll sleep in tents (provided by Monar), so be sure to bring your own sleeping bag. Since this is a rehabilitation center, strict rules apply: No alcohol, drugs, or sexual interactions are allowed on the premises. Please note that some residents may have limited English skills, which could make communication a bit more challenging. However, despite any language barriers, most residents are open and friendly.
Language: English
Requirements: Volunteers must remember about sensitivities of the facility and the regulations in place. Alcohol and illicit substance use is strictly prohibited, even outside the centre, meaning that you must not show up at the centre having consumed some alcohol. Any conversations about alcohol or any substance use would be considered insensitive. More info here: https://www.canva.com/design/DAGfjEUrc8g/yorhI
Approximate Location: Wyszków
Notes: - Insurance: SCI’s insurance only covers the duration of the workcamp (not your travel to and from the project). EU volunteers must bring their European Health Insurance Card.
Criminal Record Check: All volunteers must provide a clean criminal record certificate at least two weeks before the workcamp starts.
Project name: Art of Living - Youth Rehabillitation Centre
Project Code: PL-SCI 7.2
From: 06-07-2025 to 19-07-2025
Age Between:18 -> 99
Country: Poland
Type of Project: Workcamp
Type of Work: Agriculture / Medical / Social
Fees: 50 EUR
Project name: CASTLE BEÇİN - 1
Project Code: GSM01
From: 15-07-2025 to 31-07-2025
Age Between:18 -> 35
Country: Turkey
Type of Project: Workcamp
Type of Work: Archeology, Renovation, LGBTQIA
Fees: 0
Project name: CASTLE BEÇİN - 2
Project Code: GSM02
From: 01-08-2025 to 15-08-2025
Age Between:18 -> 35
Country: Turkey
Type of Project: Workcamp
Type of Work: Archeology, Renovation, LGBTQIA
Fees: 0
Project Code: GSM05
From: 07-07-2025 to 26-07-2025
Age Between:18 -> 35
Country: Turkey
Type of Project: Workcamp
Type of Work: Archeology, Renovation, LGBTQIA
Fees: 0
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