The project aims to educate local communities, both formal and non-formal, on environmental concerns like Global warming, floods, droughts, depletion of natural resources, lack of waste management etc. and take up protective measures with a possibility of organizing micro community actions.
In specific work will include:
• Creating Environmental awareness to preserve biodiversity among kids and other community based groups.
• Promoting sustainable lifestyle changes to have minimum green house gas emission on our environment. (eg. Reducing usage of plastics, choosing energy efficient devices etc)
• Up-cycling of waste and other discarded items into something meaningful and usable.
• Promote Upcycled products as a entrepreneurial activity among local community.
Accomodation and food
Basic, simple, safe & clean accommodation will be provided either at host family or RUCHI campus on sharing basis (Twin or triple) with common toilets and bath.
Food offered will be simple authentic Indian vegetarian and freshly cooked. Three meals a day will be served. Assistance while cooking is desired and self cooking can be organized by volunteers.
Location and leisure
The project site is Ruchi campus and the nearby Bandh village (1 km) in Solan district. It is 30 km from Kalka and 70 km from Chandigarh. The village is small with 35 families.
Self organized city tours and excursions. Old Sikh and Hindu temples in the near vicinity can be visited. Nearby Kasauli town is another hill station as a tourist
attraction. A visit to Shimla will offer an opportunity to
see high Himalayan Mountains
Project hosted by
RUCHI, a non-profit organisation working since 1983, is affiliated with international and national voluntary service networks. RUCHI is a member of Network of Voluntary Development in Asia (NVDA), full member of Coordinating Committee of International Voluntary Service (CCIVS) and a candidate member of Alliance of European Voluntary service Organization (ALLIANCE).
Directions to meeting point
Additional comments
The existence of life on planet is possible only because of the suitable environment we live in.
Over the past few decades our human thirst for development has taken its toll on environment and its effect has been seen and felt by us all in recent past. Through this project we want to emphasize on importance of environmentally sustainable action that are needed to be incorporated in our lives on daily basis to reduce further damage. We would also like to take this opportunity and target waste material as it is one of the biggest environmental challenge that we face today.