- +84 338 926 243
để nhận đươc thông tin phù hợp với bạn
As a volunteer, you will be working with the farmers who are trained by VIN in permaculture. The work usually is hands on like designing the farm based on the permaculture principles U? 1/2 cultivating crops, weeding, irrigating, collecting materials, digging etc. Support farmers in making organic fertilizers like compost. Observe, interact, learn and implement.
Accomodation and food
The volunteers will stay in Kathmandu for two nights until orientation. VIN covers two nightsU? 1/2 accommodation on sharing basis and simple Nepali-style food. Then they will be with the host family/hostel identified by VIN in Okhaldhunga. The living facilities are simple and basic. Male and female Volunteers will share the same living area with separate rooms. There will be 2-4 people in one room. Volunteers are required to sleep on simple beds. Please bring your sleeping bag.
Location and leisure
Okhaldhunga district, which is 250 km from Kathmandu. It takes one day of travel by busU? 1/2a hilly and mountainous region surrounded by woods and fields. VIN also organizes travel tours like Chitwan Jungle Safari, Pokhara, Nagarkot for extra costs if you are interested after your work camp.
Project hosted by
VINU? 1/2s Environment and Conservation Programs focus on promoting community awareness of crucial environmental issues and developing solutions. VIN runs a number of environmental projects to conserve, promote and protect environment and culture and to prevent, abate and control water, land and air pollution in order to enhance health, safety and welfare of this and future generation. We use permaculture for sustainable farming We started teaching and implementing Permaculture from later 2018 We believe Permaculture help restore whole ecosystem Agriculture provides subsistence and employment for 80 of the population of Nepal, accounting for approximately 39 to the total GDP. The development of the sector is crucial for the empowerment of those who rely upon it and for the national economy. Since Nepal is in Himalayan region, it has been badly affected by the Climate Change The sources of water are drying; new types of moths / insects are in existence; the crop cultivation time changed, unexpected change in climate, unpredictable rainfall, draughts etc. are the result of global warming Nepalese farmers facing. 12 principles of Permaculture U? 1/2 Observe and interact- LetU? 1/2s slow down and observe and appreciate our surroundings and others. LetU? 1/2s slow down and interact with others, in real life, not on our phones. U? 1/2 Catch and store energy- Take time to relax to restore balance and energy. Also, for me this means associating myself with those who bring positive energy and it means doing things that bring me joy and make me feel energized like running and learning. U? 1/2 Obtain a yield- In permaculture, this of course might mean planting in such a way that the most food is created. The food is the reward. In life, we can work to obtain an intrinsic or extrinsic reward. These rewards need not be strictly financial. Perhaps the reward is making a difference in your clientU? 1/2s life or making your coworkerU? 1/2s day a little bit easier. U? 1/2 Apply self-regulation and accept feedback- Self-regulation or self-control allows us to be accountable and it empowers us. Feedback helps us improve which will help us excel at work. U? 1/2 Use and value renewable resources and services and produce no waste- These two principles are simply common-sense tips to living a eco-friendly lifestyle and in creating a more sustainable world. U? 1/2 Design from patterns to details- Permaculture calls for standing back and observing patterns in nature and in society and then filling in the details; this might make for a more efficient and logical way to work as well. U? 1/2 Integrate rather than segregate and use and value diversity- These principles translate perfectly in how we should all live in harmony with each other by integrating everyone into our communities and valuing diversity. U? 1/2 Use small and slow solutions- Permaculture uses small and slow solutions because they are easier to manage than bigger solutions and they allow for the use of local resources leading to more sust
Directions to meeting point
VIN staff will pick up each volunteer from the airport. The volunteers are requested to send their flight details to VIN on time so that we can send our staff with your name card and VINU? 1/2s Logo. If you want to come earlier and explore the country more, you may find pre-paid taxi at the airport, or VIN may help you with that. Airport: Tribhuwan International Airport, Kathmandu
Additional comments
The participation fee 200 Euros (100 Euro for transportation) is to be paid on your arrivals at VIN Office.
Project Code: VINWC24-26
From: 09-12-2024 to 21-12-2024
Age Between:18 -> 28
Country: Nepal
Type of Project: Workcamp
Type of Work: Environmental, Manual work, Agriculture
Fees: 200 EUR
Project name: Barili Bilateral Work Camp 2025
Project Code: GIEDWC 001
From: 17-02-2025 to 28-02-2025 (12 days) or 17-02-2025 to 22-02-2025 (6 days)
Age Between: 18-> 99
Country: Phillipines
Type of Project: Workcamp
Type of Work: Education, Community, Agriculture
Fees: 280 euro (12 days) or 200 euro (6 days)
Project name: School Festival and Ecological Camp
Project Code: GIEDWC 003
From: 27-04-2025 to 05-05-2025 (9 days) or 27-04-2025 to 02-05-2025 (6 days)
Age Between: 18-> 99
Country: Phillipines
Type of Project: Workcamp
Type of Work: Festival, Education and Environment
Fees: 270 euro (9 days) or 200 euro (6 days)
Project name: Tuburan Coffee Farm Eco-Cultural Camp
Project Code: GIEDWC 002
From: 17-03-2025 to 28-03-2025 (12 days) or 17-03-2025 to 22-03-2025 (6 days)
Age Between: 18-> 99
Country: Phillipines
Type of Project: Workcamp
Type of Work: Agricultural, Cultural
Fees: 280 euro (12 days) or 200 euro (6 days)
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