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Volunteers will be mainly involved in cleaning and maintaining the high and medium mountain and agro-silvo-pastoral paths adjacent to the hostel, as well as supporting the activities of agricultural companies. They will also be involved in restoring the signs of the local paths and in taking care of the greenery of the large park surrounding the hostel. For the identification of the routes, obtaining permits, on-site accompaniment and assistance during the carrying out of activities relating to the paths, we avail ourselves of the support and collaboration of the Cedegolo section of the Italian Alpine Club (CAI), of the Valcamonica Mountain Community, of the municipal administrations of Cevo and Saviore dell'Adamello and finally of some agricultural companies in Valsaviore. The shifts will be 5 hours per day, for 5 days a week, excluding Saturday and Sunday.
Accomodation and food
Meals will be served mainly in the hostel with a predominantly vegetarian menu, however variations may be made to meet different needs. Where necessary, volunteers are expected to bring a packed lunch, while on other days they will have lunch together with the local community or at the farms that will host them for their tasks. Main meals are provided (breakfast, lunch, dinner); the remainder are paid by each volunteer. Participants will be hosted at the Casa del Parco hostel and accommodated in several shared rooms: each room has 4 to 5 beds, private bathroom and shower. There are several common areas, including reading rooms, a restaurant and a large outdoor garden, as well as free Wi-Fi (due to the location of the facility in a closed valley, we cannot guarantee a fast connection in case of heavy crowds) and the possibility of using the washing machine once a week.
Location and leisure
Cevo (province of Brescia, Italy) is a small mountain village of 800 inhabitants located inside the Adamello Regional Park, at an altitude of 1,100 m. Placed at the junction of two valleys closed by the head of Adamello glacier, it offers a barely anthropic, natural environment which counts on a reduced tourism flow. An atmosphere foreign to urban chaos where time seems to flow slowly, ideal to hike surrounded by nature. Most local people do not speak English fluently.
Project hosted by
Casa del Parco Adamello is a multifunctional, community place where people can meet and discuss around mountain culture. It is a space committed to territorial promotion where we can draw a path focused on enhancing potential and local resources. Here we arrange cultural events, workshops and training addressed to social innovators and people involved in mountain areas development.
Project name: The Old Ways - Local Place and People
Project Code: LUNAR03
From: 19-05-2025 to 28-05-2025
Age Between: 18 -> 60
Country: Italy
Type of Project: Workcamp
Type of Work: Environmental, Manual Work
Fees: 0
Project Code: GSM06
From: 25-07-2025 to 08-08-2025
Age Between:18 -> 35
Country: Turkey
Type of Project: Workcamp
Type of Work: Work with animals, Environmental, LGBTQIA
Fees: 50 EUR
Project name: CASTLE BEÇİN - 1
Project Code: GSM01
From: 15-07-2025 to 31-07-2025
Age Between:18 -> 35
Country: Turkey
Type of Project: Workcamp
Type of Work: Archeology, Renovation, LGBTQIA
Fees: 0
Project name: CASTLE BEÇİN - 2
Project Code: GSM02
From: 01-08-2025 to 15-08-2025
Age Between:18 -> 35
Country: Turkey
Type of Project: Workcamp
Type of Work: Archeology, Renovation, LGBTQIA
Fees: 0
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